Friday, March 18, 2016

Leadership is Time...time well-spent

So, lately, I've gotten interested in doing some video reviews on YouTube.  I've been blessed to have met some great folks at great companies (Bracketron and GCrafter) and have performed some product reviews for them.  While they do take time to think through what you want to say and then you need to get things set up, I have been afforded a tremendous blessing....

You see, you just cannot do a video properly by yourself.  Someone made the camera and/or the items you are reviewing.  Further, most videos are made with an individual recording the events with a camera.  I have been blessed because my camera man is shown below with a Bracketron XFlip Flexible Camera Mount.  He has learned how to operate the camera, gives me feedback from what he sees in the screen, and loves to "help daddy."  Right now, he thinks I am the coolest because I'm on YouTube -- I love seeing that "light" in his eyes.  More importantly, its the time that we get together inside, outside, and learning together.

Everything said above also applies to leadership.  You cannot lead if others are not following.  I do not know who said it, but this is perfect -- "leadership without followers is just a walk."  Leadership is about learning together and making mistakes together.  Constant improvement is our goal and we get to showcase our work for others.  The key, though, is the time -- leadership is about investing time, effort, and energy in other people. 

Always look for opportunities to teach!  It's time well spent....

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